Thursday, 31 January 2013

A Grown Man Gets Scared

Note: Because I don't use swear words, I used proper English words's kind of funnier.

In my home, it's my duty to see that at night, all entrances are securely locked, and all lights are turned off.
And NO, I do not live in a hut, or a mud house.

Last night at around 11 pm, I was going through the same routine amidst the loud utterances caused by the winds hitting against the windows to create sepulchral melodious noises that scared the faeces out of me. Each room I went to, I would hear the pound of the wind upon the windows. Yes I was a little scared, but my task had to be carried out.
I entered the living-room and as I turned off the lights, I turned on my flashlight and waved it about (to see if there was a killer lurking in the darkness...horror movies have a great effect upon my life).

Just when I was approaching the door that leads to the balcony, it was swung open to let in the violent night wind.You should have seen my face! I'm pretty sure I urinated my pants (Just kidding...or am I?).
Though it was only the wind, many things raced through my mind at that moment.
"So this is how it ends" I thought, "No! I shall not be intimidated by whatever pushed this door open! THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!"

I did the opposite of what King Leonidas did; I didn't push the door, I instead ran away to my bedroom. 
The way I ran was the way victims in horror films run. I fell twice, but scampered back up.

I spent some minutes laughing my buttocks out at what had just happened, and then I ran upstairs to lock the open door.

Last night was one hell of a night ...

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